#POWERKICK2015 Challenge
1. Powerkick something (anything)
2. Challenge 3 friends
3. Hashtag #powerkick2015
As you may or may not know, my life is changing - for the much better. I am getting married. As such, cadetaylor.20m.com has been slightly neglected as my pursuits have been attending to much worthier causes. Additionally, the advent of facebook and the world of blogging has created additional clutter - as entertaining as it may be.
Accordingly, if you want some real gossip check out:
A new era has begun.
But, to my faithful visitors (mainly my dad), updates will be made every once in awhile.
What does cadetaylor.20m.com have to offer you?
- Photos, photos, and more photos.
- Witherspoons Corner.
- Guestbook for all.
Please use the links at the top of the page for navigation.
As Always, Please Leave your comments in the GUESTBOOK
New Pictures from FALL 07. Please feel free to browse.